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  • Writer's pictureEsther Chabbott

The Dresscode: Bows (Dec 2023)

Updated: Dec 26, 2023

From one fashion fanatic to the next.

Here's this month's scoop:

Think ballet-core. Dainty ribbons. I’ll even go as far as saying Shushu Tong-esque. In my very humble (and always correct) opinion, the absolute best month of the year has graced us with her presence: December. (We all agree that December is a her right?) Now if you’re someone who strongly disagrees, I’m inclined to call you a hater, but because I’m a rational, logical, and well-reasoned human being, I’ll just plead December’s case instead. For starters, it’s Christmas time (well I’m Jewish so it’s really “Hanukkah time,” but you know as well as I do it doesn’t have the same ring to it) which means glistening lights and holiday cheer. I can happily hibernate under my covers without a soul trying to pry me out of my house. Oh and how could I forget the most important part? Winter fashion has me in an utter and complete chokehold.

Winter fashion has a certain gentleness to it, an established softness that just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. This month's it trend is no exception. She is delicate without trying too hard and I feel as though she would give really good hugs. (Am I pushing it a bit too far by personifying fashion items?) With that said, although very much our front runner for December 2023, at another time our IT girl could’ve been classified as childlike; she worked overtime and pulled off an impressive rebranding if I do say so myself.

Instead of youthful, she’s now coquette-esque. Instead of babyish, she’s peak femininity. Instead of juvenile, she’s effortlessly chic. I think what is so special about her is that there isn’t exactly one way to wear her -she’s a force to be reckoned with because of her versatility. She’s in your hair, she’s on your clothes, she’s not only an accessory, but a print as well.

Ladies and gents (I’m not sure if there are any gentlemen here but I included you nonetheless) our star student for December 2023 is Her Majesty, Bows.

I’m glad that we are proudly declaring our American Girl Doll era and embracing the wonderful (feminine) world of bows. As I mentioned earlier, bow’s superpower is her versatility- whether you’re going to brunch with your friends or you have a formal dinner party, a bow can be incorporated into any and every look. Let’s break down some winter-appropriate bow attire:

Jeans, a chunky sweater, a RED ribbon in your hair- A subtle pop of color

Mini dress with bow appliqué, strappy heels, and straight hair - Fun and formal

Structured blazer, soft mini skirt, loafers, and a velvet bow - Parisian chic

An off the shoulder sweater, stockings, simple (NON CHUNKY) sneakers, and a bow necklace- Calm, cool, collected

Oxford shirt, tailored trousers, and Chanel ballet flats (or Chanel-inspired 😉) - Stylish CEO

The bow always comes to play and revels in the fact that she’s a Jack of all trades. She knows she’s reliable, she knows she is the final touch, she knows we all adore her (She goes a bit overboard sometimes and refers to herself as the pièce de résistance). I would lecture her on humility, but to be completely honest I don’t think I’m in any position to be giving advice to this particular celebrity- it’s not her fault that stardom comes naturally to her.

As always we linked some pieces for YOU to shop the trend-(go to the bows tab and click on the photos to be redirected to their website).

See you next month ;)

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